Transform your Socials from Boring to Binge-Worthy with Video Content

Since TikTok swept the world by storm, one thing has become clear: Video content is king.

If you’ve been hesitant about jumping on the video train for your small business because you’re worried it means learning choreographed dances or elaborate lip-syncing, you can rest easy. The kind of video content that you create can easily be tailored to your specific business type… no dance moves required.

For those still hesitant about adding video content to their brand assets, read on to find out how video content can improve your social media and your business’s bottom line. 

Audiences <3 Videos

The numbers don’t lie. Video content consistently outperforms other kinds of content on socials.

Sorry plain text and photos, we’re talking about you.

Sprout Social reports that half of social media users prefer video over other types of content. It’s hard to ignore data like that. Creating video content that connects with your audience means more engagement. More engagement means the potential for increased revenue.

And let's be honest, we all want to see our books in black (and growing) at the end of the day. 

Improve Your Brand Storytelling

Videos help you bring your brand to life in a unique way.

By showcasing your business, you allow your audience to understand who you are and why they should work with you.

Whether you’re sharing a behind-the-scenes clip, an “About Us” intro, or even a montage, it gives your followers insights into your brand that they wouldn’t have had before. Authentic personal touches build trust and help you connect with your audience. 

Did someone say ‘Viral’?

We all know that sharing is caring, which couldn’t be more true regarding social media videos.

When followers share your video content, it lets the all-mighty algorithm know that your content is resonating with users and will continue to boost your video’s visibility.

Still not convinced? According to Wordstream, social videos are 1200% more likely to be shared than text and image content… COMBINED. Can we say growth potential?

Videos… Not just for TikTok anymore

Video content continues to increase in popularity as it can be adapted for any industry for any platform, which is especially true for one of our clients, Reality Rift, a gaming arena in Singapore! By creating content that spoke to their ideal client, we were able to attract gamers and non-gamers to Reality Rift’s socials.

Sure, you’re not going to see the latest TikTok challenge float across your LinkedIn feed anytime soon… but we’re not so sure that’s a bad thing. Each major social media platform offers an option to add a video, for good reason.

When creating video content for your brand, consider which platform your ideal clients are on and tweak your content strategy accordingly. While Instagram and TikTok are great for product-based businesses (okay, almost allll businesses), service-based businesses might have been results on LinkedIn or X (aka Twitter). 

Make It Easy for your Audience to Buy

Sure, your product is cute, but is it cute enough to convince your followers that they need to have it, like, yesterday?

By itself, maybe not, but with a video showing them how to style it, wear it, or improve their everyday life? A MUCH better chance.

Video content helps to break down the unknown of a product or service and helps viewers understand how it will address their pain points. A survey showed that 73% of consumers said they were more likely to purchase after watching a product video.

Mobile Magic

With over 55% of website traffic coming from mobile devices, vertical video is the best way to fill your followers’ screens with engaging, entertaining content.

Captivating videos keeps your audience locked in, even if it’s just for a short time. With time limits on Instagram and TikTok, creators are pushed to create dynamic content, all within a few seconds.

With options that make it easy to share video content with a quick tap of the screen, video viewed on mobile has the opportunity to go viral. Getting more views on your content is always a win, especially if they’re from your ideal clients. 


Video has to be a part of your social media content plan if you want to get the best results from your social media accounts. We totally get that it can be daunting to start off, but we promise that it gets easier as you go.

Start by filming some b-roll or a quick intro via Instagram stories as you work at your desk. You’ll feel awkward the first time, but you’ll be rocking those lives in no time. 

If you’re unsure how video content aligns with your specific business, call For the Love of Socials. We can help with planning, content creation, and more, to make sure that your socials are bringing their A-game.


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