What I’ve Learnt In My First Year in Business

We’ve reached a special milestone: 365 days of For the Love of Socials. That’s right, we’ve officially been in business for a whole year!

And what a year it’s been. Building For the Love of Socials from scratch brought on all the feelings and all the highs and lows that come with being a brand new business owner. But after a year, I can say that launching FTLOS was the best. decision. ever. 

The days of working as a full-time marketing manager working 10 hours a day sometimes feel like a fever dream. Working 10-hour days while feeling burnt out and unfulfilled? Hard pass. On a whim, I quit. The little voice in the back of my head kept whispering that I didn’t belong there. That I could do so much more. 

So I did! I poured everything I had into launching FTLOS. Was I nervous? Yes. Scared? Yes. Excited? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT.

I know one thing for sure, I wanted to serve small businesses and solopreneurs and help their work get attention with the power of social media. I noticed that there was a huge gap in the market. These businesses aren’t able to afford what large agencies are charging, but they’re still doing incredible work that deserves to be shared. 

One of the amazing things about working with small businesses is the variety of businesses out there. I love the variety of brands that I work with; the work that they’re doing continues to inspire me and keeps me excited about the work that I do. I would even go so far as to say that doing this work every day has been a freaking joy. I really really realllllly love what I do. 

Though I started FTLOS as a solopreneur myself, I’ve continued to grow over the past year, and we’re now a team of 4! It has been nothing short of an incredible year, and I’m so thankful to have been blessed with the BEST CLIENTS EVER who have trusted me with their socials. 

I’ve been able to grow my brand through referrals, which is one of the highest compliments a business owner can get. To know that my clients trust the work that I do so much that they want to share it with their friends is so humbling. So many of my clients have turned into true friends, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 

While running a business can be isolating, I’m thankful to be part of incredible communities like Launchpad, PrimeTime, and Mother/Founder. I’ve found endless support from them and have become a better, stronger business owner because of them. 

I can’t wait to see what our second year brings as I continue to grow FTLOS. 

I’ve got some lofty goals, but I know my team and I are going to knock it out of the park. As FTLOS grows, we’re looking to work with more brands in the health and wellness space in the new year (Psst, if this is you, we should totally talk).

So as we enter year two, I’m going to keep some of my biggest lessons learned at the forefront:

  1. Listen to the little voice that tells you you’re capable of doing new things, even if they’re a little scary.

  2. Surround yourself with people doing good work who value collaboration.

  3. Hiring others is a leap of faith, but when you get it right, it’s magic. 

  4. Rest is necessary to recharge.

  5. A people-first mindset will never steer you wrong. 

It’s that people-focused mindset that made me want to start FTLOS in the first place, and it makes me almost giddy to see what else we can do for small business owners and entrepreneurs. 


We believe that everyone should love their social content. Like really love it. Like want to share every post, binge-scroll your own posts kind of love it. We want that for you so much that we’re offering 10% off of our content creation shoots to celebrate our birthday and to get you that scroll-stopping content you’ve been looking for. There are only 5 slots available at this discounted price, so click that Contact Us button to get on our books. 

Thank you to all of the friends, family, clients, and clients-turned-friends who have supported FTLOS through its first year. Thank you for being along for the ride. Who’s ready to see what’s next?

Big Love to:

Photos by Silke | Makeup by Audrey | Shot at Oracle Studio


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